Ignou Hall Ticket December 2020 (इग्नू हॉल टिकट / एडमिट कार्ड December 2020 डाउनलोड करें)

Ignou Hall Ticket December 2020

इग्नू हॉल टिकट दिसंबर 2020 डाउनलोड करें – Good news for all the students of Indira Gandhi National Open University who has filled up examination form for December 2020 term end examination.

The hall ticket / admit card for these upcoming examination will be released by the university on its official website 11 days before the start of examination. Students can easily download IGNOU TEE hall ticket online at university official website.

The Indira Gandhi National Open University will publish the link on its official website to download the IGNOU admit card December 2020 one week before the start of the examination.The university conducts the Term End Examinations after every six months to evaluate the student’s performance.

The exams are conducted usually in the month of June and December every year for its various programmes such as Master Degree, Bachelor Degree, Diploma, Post Graduate Diploma, Certificate, Post Graduate Certificate, Advanced Certificate, etc.

IGNOU Admit Card Download

The Ignou admit card / hall ticket is published by the university for all the programmes and the students who fills up examination form correctly.

Also, they must be eligible to appear in examination. Otherwise, their Ignou exam hall ticket / admit card will not be issued by the university.

Only those students will not be able to download their hall ticket who have not correctly filled up the exam form or who are not eligible for examination.

Students will be able to download their tickets for following programmes: Bachelor Degree Programme(BDP), Bachelor of Arts (BA), BTS, BSW, BCA, B.Sc, BHA, BBA, BTCM, B.Sc.N, B.Com, B.Tech, BIT, B.Ed, BPP, BLIS, Master of Computer Applications(MCA), Master of Business Administration(MBA), Master of Commerce(M.Com), MARD, MTM, MA English (MEG), Master of Social Work (MSW), MAPY, MAEDU, MAPD, MEC, MEC, MAH, MPS, MPA, MSO, MAPC, MAEDS, MAGD, MADE, MLIS, MAAN, PGDCC, PGDRD, DTS, DNHE, PGDAC, PGDIBO, etc.

Download Ignou hall ticket December 2020

The examination process starts in the first week of June and December every time. The university provides the students with the Ignou hall ticket or admit card which is mandatory for them to carry with them in the examination hall. Otherwise, they will not be allowed to appear in the examination.

For the student’s convenience, the university publishes the link on its official website to download the latest upcoming  Hall Ticket / admit card for June or December TEE exams ten days before the date of commencement of examination.

To download Ignou hall ticket December 2020, the students can visit the official website, ten days before the commencement of the examination.

Important Links:

We have also provided below few latest examination hall tickets. These are as follows :

The Indira Gandhi National Open University also send the hard copy of hall tickets to the students at their address by post. But if any student does not receive the hall ticket by post, he/she do not need to worry about it as they can download it from the university website and take print out of it.

It is also known as Ignou admit card and every student must possess this peace of paper to appear in term end examinations.

For the student’s convenience and their ease,we have also provided the direct link here to download the latest tickets.A large number of students appear for Term End Examination every time. So, same is the case this time also. The number of students expected to fill up the examination form is huge.

Apart from the term end examination, the university also conducts various entrance tests every year for admission to its professional UG and PG programmes.Some of the entrance exams conducted by the university are OPENMAT, B.Ed, M.Ed, OPENNET, BSCN, etc.The entrance exam hall tickets for all these programmes are uploaded by university 10 days before the exam on its official website.

Steps to download IGNOU Hall Ticket online?

  • Please visit the university website at : www.ignou.ac.in
  • Follow the path : Student Support ->Student Zone-> Results-> Hall Ticket/Admit Card
  • On the Hall Ticket/ Admit Card page, the university provides all the latest hall tickets.
  • Just click on the required hall ticket link and enter your Nine Digit Enrollment Number and select your respected course for which you are going to take the exam.
  • Then click on the submit button to download.
  • Take out its print out to bring it in the Examination Hall.

About IGNOU – Indira Gandhi National Open University

The Indira Gandhi National Open University is famous with its short name ” IGNOU” worldwide.The university was established in the year 1985. It provides various courses around the world . It provides various Under Graduate (UG) and Post Graduate (PG) courses for the candidates who do not have enough money to do regular studies.

Also, those students who do not have not enough time to go to school or college can join the distance learning courses. The students who live in far flung areas where other education institutions are not available can take admission to various programmes and courses.


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