IGNOU BCA – Bachelor of Computer Applications

Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA) from IGNOU

The Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) invites applications from the learners all over the country for admission to its Bachelor of Computer Applications(BCA) programme for January as well as July session every year.

The Ignou BCA programme comes under the School of Computer & Information Sciences (SOCIS).The admission in BCA is provided under IGNOU Walk-In admission scheme. In this scheme, the learners can apply for admission to this programme in any of the two academic sessions.

The students who have completed their Bachelor Degree can apply for admission in both January or July academic cycle to pursue their Master Degree in Computer Applications. To become eligible for bachelor degree to be awarded, the student should complete all the required semester courses.

Programme Objective

The Ignou BCA programme has been designed to provide the learners with sound knowledge of computing courses. It also provides an opportunity for the learners to pursue their career in the field of computing/IT.

After completing the BCA, they can take the direct admission to MCA or any other Master programme at IGNOU or at any other university. They can easily get the easily get the entry-level job in the field of Information Technology or ITES after completing this discipline.

IGNOU BCA Programme Details

The other details about the programme such as admission eligibility, fee structure, etc has been mentioned below:

Medium of Instruction

At present, the programme has been offered in English medium only.In future, the university may introduce BCA in hindi medium as well.The students have to write assignments and term-end examination in English medium only.

Eligibility Criteria

The candidates should be having 10+2 or its equivalent qualification.

Fee Structure

The candidates need to pay the total fee of Rs. 36,000/- for the complete discipline which has to be paid @Rs 6000/- per semester during the admission and re-registration process.

Duration of Programme

The university provides the minimum duration of three years to the students to clear all the Bachelor of Computer Applications courses during the study. But the university allows the students to clear the programme within a maximum duration of six years.

Programme Coordinator Contact Details

  • Contact Person: Mr.Shashi Bhushan, Associate Professor
  • Intercom: 2913,2901
  • Phone No: 011-29572909
  • E-mail: [email protected]

IGNOU BCA Prospectus

The learners can obtain the hard copy of the “Student Handbook and Prospectus” for BCA programme from their nearest IGNOU Regional Centers or Study Centers of the university by submitting the fee of Rs.200/- at the Cash Counters.

The Common prospectus contains the complete detail about the BCA programme and it also includes various forms which would be required for the completion of studies such as Term End Examination, Re-Registration, Revaluation, Change of Study Centre, Course, etc.

The students can also order prospectus via post as well by sending Demand Draft of Rs.250/- in favour of IGNOU, New Delhi to the following address: “Registrar, Student Registration Division, IGNOU, Maidan Garhi, New Delhi,110068”. The prospectus will be sent to students only after the receiving of Demand Draft by the university.

The best way to obtain prospectus quickly is to download it from official website.The learners can download Ignou BCA Prospectus PDF free of cost online.

IGNOU BCA Admission 2020

The learners from all over the country can apply for admission to this programme via only single mode of admission i.e. Online. In the Online mode of admission, the students has to open up the IGNOU BCA online admission portal i.e. https://onlineadmission.ignou.ac.in/.

They need to register themselves at the portal and follow the general instructions to enroll them for BCA programme. The students have to upload the required documents while filling up IGNOU BCA online admission form. Also, they can pay the admission fee  for this programme online via using their Debit Card, Credit Card or Net Banking.

Last Date of IGNOU BCA Admission

The last date to apply for admission or submitting application form to the concerned Regional Centre can be checked from the latest admission notification available on the university official website. The last date for admission to Ignou Bachelor of Computer Applications programme will be different for January and July academic sessions.

The students can find the latest admission notification on the university website at following path : www.ignou.ac.in > Student Support > Student Zone> Admission Announcement. The university also publishes the latest admission notifications in the local daily newspapers.

Note: The candidates seeking admission to IGNOU BCA has been advised to check the university official website for latest admission notification, last date, etc.

IGNOU BCA Solved Assignments 2019-20

The students who take admission to this programme have to complete the tutor marked assignments and submit it to the related study centre. The assignments constitutes 30% marks and term end theory exam constitutes the remaining 70% marks.

So, to score good percentage of marks as a result, you need to make good Ignou BCA solved assignments and submit it to the study centre.

The students need to submit the solved assignment for each theory course for which the assignment is required.The Ignou BCA assignment question papers can be easily downloadable from the university official website.

If you need Ignou BCA solved assignment 2019-20, please send email at: [email protected]

IGNOU BCA Syllabus & Courses

The Ignou Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA) programme consists of total of 39 courses with total number of credits equal to 99 where 1 credit is equivalent to 30 study hours.

The students who are pursuing this programme need to re-register themselves for the 2nd and 3rd years irrespective of their results whether they pass or fail.

The Students can check the IGNOU BCA syllabus from university website or in prospectus also. We have mentioned below the detail about the Course Code, Name and Credits:

IGNOU BCA First Semester Courses

Course Code Course Name Credits
FEG-02 Foundation course in English -2 4
ECO-01 Business Organization 4
BCS-011 Computer Basics and PC Software 3
BCS-012 Mathematics 4
BCSL-013 Computer Basics and PC Software Lab 2

IGNOU BCA Second Semester Courses

Course Code Course Name Credits
ECO-02 Accountancy-1 4
MCS-011 Problem Solving and Programming 3
MCS-012 Computer Organization and Assembly Language Programming 4
MCS-015 Communication Skills 2
MCS-013 Discrete Mathematics 2
BCSL-021 C Language Programming Lab 1
BCSL-022 Assembly Language Programming Lab 1

IGNOU BCA Third Semester Courses

Course Code Course Name Credits
MCS-021 Data and File Structures 4
MCS-023 Introduction to Database Management Systems 3
MCS-014 Systems Analysis and Design 3
BCS-031 Programming in C++ 3
BCSL-032 C++ Programming Lab 1
BCSL-033 Data and File Structures Lab 1
BCSL-034 DBMS Lab 1

IGNOU BCA Fourth Semester Courses

Course Code Course Name Credits
BCS-040 Statistical Techniques 4
MCS-024 Object Oriented Technologies and Java Programming 3
BCS-041 Fundamentals of Computer Networks 4
BCS-042 Introduction to Algorithm Design 2
MCSL-016 Internet Concepts and Web Design 2
BCSL-043 Java Programming Lab 1
BCSL-044 Statistical Techniques Lab 1
BCSL-045 Algorithm Design Lab 1

IGNOU BCA Fifth Semester Courses

Course Code Course Name Credits
BCS-051 Introduction to Software Engineering 3
BCS-052 Network Programming and Administration 3
BCS-053 Web Programming 2
BCS-054 Computer Oriented Numerical Techniques 3
BCS-055 Business Communication 2
BCSL-056 Network Programming and Administration Lab 1
BCSL-057 Web Programming Lab 1
BCSL-058 Computer Oriented Numerical Techniques Lab 1

IGNOU BCA Sixth Semester Courses

Course Code Course Name Credits
BCS-062 E-Commerce 2
MCS-022 Operating System Concepts and Networking Management 4
BCSL-063 Operating System Concepts and Networking Management Lab 1
BCSP-064 Project 8
Total Credits   99

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